like a
Yep, that's what we
all thought, right? Can't have one without the other.
In other words, marriage is all about
LOVE...or is it???
but, see, there's this thing called TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE!!!
And and there are a LOT of people who are really concerned about
this. Yep, very, very concerned. And they let
everyone know...you, know, that's it is only between a man and a

Thing is, well, just maybe
they don't understand the implications in this definition of
marriage, this idea that it is only between a man and a woman.
Think about it. If all
marriages are about love, then the only difference between a gay
marriage and a heterosexual marriage is the gender of the
persons having sex with each other....

The only conclusion
we're able to reach is that "Traditional Marriage" is all about
sex (as in, fornication). Might not exclude
love, but it sure ranks intercourse (whether procreational, or
recreational) higher. Least ways,
that how it looks to us. In other words, traditional
marriage is more about the gender of your sex partner, not
whether you love that person.
And... well, we guess maybe "Non-traditional
Marriage" (i.e., marriage that's between humans but not between
a man and a woman) are more about love than sex .
Hmmm...comes down to it, that's not surprising.
Maybe the advocates
of "Traditional Marriage" can learn something from this.
Or not.
Okay, Okay, some of
you may think this is all..

Sooo, maybe you're
right. BUT...the question remains: Whose tongue in whose
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